Thursday 9 March 2017


I thought that the project was very interesting, something that I have never really done before. I have defiantly learnt a lot and I'm sure that I will find some of this information useful in the future. Having to learn how to properly lay out a leaflet and having to take into consideration that colours will change when printed out was something that I have never really done before or taken as seriously as I did in this project.

When it actually came to designing the leaflet I designed it any other way I would design a print product and I think this is why I felt like I didn't really succeed at this project as much as I thought I would. Designing something based on museums is something that I did not find very interesting, I felt like the content that I could include was very limited due to the audience for the museum. Even though I wanted to appeal to the 20-30 tourist age range I ended up changing who the leaflet was going to appeal to due to how the museum owner wanted the leaflet to look. The pictures that we had to include in the leaflet I thought were very boring and dull and I couldn't really think of any ideas to make them more interesting, I think this is one of the reason why I did not do so well. The colour scheme as well was very hard to choose, due to having a vast amount of black and white images. 

I think I did better after every draft was submitted, but I do not think that I could've added a whole lot more after my second draft. I think inspiration just didn't strike me in the project, meaning that my final product was just not good enough compared to my peers work.

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