Thursday 9 March 2017

Music Research

We were given a little brief by the leader of the music department to make a poster to advertise their new Uni type course being run at college. We were given all of the information that we could feature in the poster and that was it for the initial start. With visits over time we started to learn more and more about what the client wanted but it was still not completely clear even after multiple visits. Making the poster fit with the Bath college colour scheme is something that wasn't on the brief but is something that I thought needed to be added to clearly show the audience what the poster is about. Looking back on it now I do believe I should have made the colour scheme a bit different.

I decided to make the poster, text heavy for my first draft this was because that was all the information that we had got and I though that they wanted quite a disruptive poster. However I was wrong and found that they only want the most useful of the information on the poster. This is because deciding whether you want to go to Uni or not is a very important and hard decision to make, if you feature things on the poster that might seem interesting to the audience, for example to low cost of the course as a whole. People will be more likely to look a bit more into the course. They also wanted me to have a pre done photo instead of drawing my own one due to it looking quite child like. This makes sense, I really needed to make my poster look like it is something that would be interesting to people who are thinking of going to Uni. If the poster looks child like most top end College students might just disregard the poster and this is not what I want.

Me being a student that is in the situation of going on to Uni or other things. I needed to make a poster that I thought I would find interesting if I saw it around college. The colour scheme for the poster was good but if I saw a poster that looked a bit different to everything else around college then I would be more likely to look at it. This is because I would believe that it has something to do with Uni, when with my poster you have to read what is actually on the page to find out what it is about.

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