Thursday 9 March 2017

Peer Review

The research project I am looking at does include:

Title Page
Lists of Content
Research (Primary and Secondary)
Word Count and Bibliography

Throughout the entire project Jules relates back to the question. In every section, and after every book or article, Jules talks about how the information he has found out has helped him find the answer to his question. He also talks about why he is looking at the books and articles and why they will help him find the answer to his question. I do believe that the project does answer the question perfectly, and relates back to it well in the conclusion. 

I think the presentation is fine for this peace of work, the text size is perfect. I could not find any grammar or spelling mistakes on the piece. The images were good and related to what was being talked about but I think more could've been used throughout the piece. At the end of topics instead of just moving onto the next topic Jules would occasionally start from the next page and in other places he would not I found this a bit confusing on why he would do this. In some places Jules uses italics for quotes and in other places he does not.

I like that Jules does not really cover the same thing twice and that he doesn't get information from sources that are too similar. I found it very interesting to learn about what others have done to create their own Animation Advertisement in the past. I also found it interesting how he related to Bath in a lot of cases, once again relation back to the initial goals for the project. 

I think that the audience could've been talked about a whole lot more in the project, especially at the end, I think Jules could have talked a bit more about how all the information he has gathered has changed who he thought his audience was. He could also state at the start of the project who he thinks is going to be his audience and things that would change his idea.

I think that I would give this project a merit to distinction. I would do this because throughout he answers the question while going into a lot of detail even with the limit of words that we were all given. He has also found some great sources that have provided him with a lot of information. Like I said before I think that it would've been great if Jules talked about what he though was going to happen at the start of the project and then talk about assumptions he got right and wrong.

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