Wednesday 13 January 2016



After looking at some website for inspiration we were set the task to create Wireframes for our websites. We had to create a 3 desktop wireframes and a smart phone wireframes, this meant we had to be very careful on how we layout our desktop wireframes because there was a chance that it wouldn't work and fit on a smart phone.

For my webpage design I decided to go down the simplistic look, because this is quite a popular theme when it comes to web design and it also shows the audience that the company take promoting their product very seriously and would probably take the product more seriously. I included a lot of images in my webpage, I did this because the audience needs to see the product and the product being used as much as possible before they decide to purchase it, due to the them not being able to actually use it / pick it up. I also decided to use the traditional top nav on my wireframes because people know how to use it properly and it fits well with the rest of my webpage.

My Wireframes can be seen below:

Product page:

Again for my product page I looked at other websites for inspiration to see what worked and what didn't.

It was very obvious that I had to include lots of different photos showcasing the object and include a detailed description on the product. Also giving the customer an options was used quite a lot in other websites so I decided to add a choice of the colour of the pen and the amount of pens that they would like to purchase. I also had to make sure that there was a big buy now button on the product page so it was easy for the customer to buy the pen. 

When it came to my my phone design I had to make a swipe feature for my pictures so that they could all be seen at a high quality. I also had to spread things out so that it wasn't too easy to click on another option by accident.

My Wireframes can be seen below: 

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