Tuesday 5 January 2016

Communication Theories

Hypodermic needle theory is where the audience is given some information, there are two types of audience, one side is called, 'Passive Audience' this is where they accept the information they have been given and do not question it. The other is called an, 'Active Audience' these people challenge the information that they are told and are not easily influenced by what they are given. 
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs consists of five stages, physiological is the bottom stage this is basically the stage that focuses on the basics human needs. Safety is the next stage, this stage looks at the safety. Love and belonging is the next stage this looks at how people treat others. Esteem is the second highest stage this stage is about how the people feel and how achievements change their attitudes. The highest stage is called, self-actualisation this focuses on peoples emotions.

Uses of Gratification Theory
There are 4 main areas around the uses of gratification theory; Entertainment and Diversion, Personal Identity, Information and surveillance and Personal relationships. Uses of gratification theory is all about how people use media and what they use it for. All of these areas mean something:

Entertainment and Diversion is used to take people out of reality, so that they can feel better or can entertain themselves. Examples of this could be; TV, Cinemas or Books this is because all of these types of media Entertain people and take them feel different.

Personal Identity is where a piece of media shows things about you.  This can be used to bond with others due to them sharing a lot of their information or it can be used to show yourself to others for job reasons. Examples of this can be; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and blogs.

Information and Surveillance this is used in the media to get information to other people. This can be through facts, important information and knowledge. By allowing others to see the content on the media they gain a wider perspective on the world and the things around them examples of this can be, documentaries, books and advertisements.

Personal Relationships this is all about getting to know others. Types of media that allow people to communicate and strengthen their relationships. This is similar to Personal Identity due to them both resulting in communication, examples of this can be, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat.

Stressed: Logic
Happy: Kendrick Lamar
Sad: Chance the Rapper

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