Tuesday 12 January 2016

University Trip

On Friday, we went to the University of Gloucester to look at the sort of things Uni's do and the sorts of things they cover. I thought that the trip was very interesting and it gave me a good idea of the sort of things that would go on at Uni and what I could expect if I were to go to the specific Uni. 

I thought that it was very interesting with the amount of equipment they had at their disposal and the amount of possibility each different course had. I looked at the; animation, theory and film making workshop, I found these to be very cool, expect for the theory were I found it quite boring and felt like more of a bonding session than anythings else. However the animation workshop was very fun because we actually got to do something that we had never covered before and we had a good feel for what we would be doing if we took that subject. The film making workshop was also very cool, we got to use the equipment that other studios would use in the real world of business and learn how to use them. 

I found this to be the most enjoyable workshop. I am still not sure about going to Uni, I like how the day gave us a feel for what we could expect from one but I'm not really sure if it is for me. 

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