Monday 5 October 2015

Surveys and Planner

In our last theory lesson we discussed different ways of giving out surveys and some of the advantages and dis-advantages of them. One of them being face to face surveys, some of the advantages of using the face to face method is that you can gather a lot of information in a quick amount of time. The information they give us may not be reliable due to the people being in a rush or not having enough time to think about the question in detail. Also older people or anyone else who would not get a chance to answer an online survey have the chance too. Online surveys are different they can provide more accurate results because the person answering can do it in their own time can has the chance to really think about what they put. Online questions can be stated very simple and can be finished at a quick pace. Data that has been received from the survey can be processed faster and is very accurate. Information on how to answer the survey can be displayed at the start of the questionnaire so that people have a clear understanding on how they are meant to answer the questions.

After we had discussed this we were set a task by Leanne to find out some secondary research on YouTube Channels. This meant that we had to find out some statistics and information from other sources. So that we could use this information to get a general idea on what we may ask people about in our questionnaires. When looking for information we had to make sure that the sources were reliable and were not made by a random person (wiki). We had to check this because if they were made by a random person they would have a high chance of being untrustworthy. We also had to make sure that we wrote down the websites were we got the information from, so that we can give them credibility. We also included images from the website (YouTube) because the information is 100% accurate and can be used to back up the information we had found.


We also set up our own planners so that we could note down any additional work that we may have to do for the following lessons. This means that we can keep everything organised and also it means that we will be less likely to forget that we had to  do work. It also helps us remember what we had do the past lesson for our blogs.

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