Monday 12 October 2015

Expansion and Compression Designs

Expansion - Becoming larger and covering a bigger surface area, for example you could expand your home to make it bigger so you can have more things inside it.

Compression - The reduction of space and the volume of an object, for example compressing the size of your TV to make it thinner.

For the two words I have chosen I have used some of the features offered by Indesign to change how the words look. The 'compression' word has been compressed in different ways, for my first design I compressed it from above and below while for my second 'compressed' to compressed in from left and from the right. I thought this was a very effective way of showing what the word compressed meant but it made the word very hard to read. The last design I produced only included the, 'ss' in, 'Compression' I thought that this was a very interesting way of showing what compression meant.

I used the same sort of effects for expansion but I did the opposite of compression. For the first expansion I placed all of the letters close to each other but stretched them out upwards and downwards, even though it was easy to read, I did not show clearly what expansion is. My second expansion only stretched out the, 'E' while leaving all of the other letters the same width and length. I thought that this was a better improvement from before and it all seemed readable. However my last 'expansion' had a variety of expanded letters and non expanded letters and ended up not looking appealing to the eye.  

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