Wednesday 7 October 2015

Branding and my Poster Guidelines

This is a full photo of my monster but not my final piece:

What is branding?

Branding is where you create a unique image or name for a product that can be easy identifiable to a consumer. Doing this allows the creator to claim rights to there unique image or name meaning that no one else can use them without having the rights.

How have I incorporated this into my work?

When using the logo, 'The Kraken' the 'K' has to always include the horns from the monster. This is because it iconic to the film and gives it more of a unique look. The font for the logo also has to be highlighted with the pink from the colour palette, 'C0 M49 Y37 K0, R243 G157 B145' this is unique to the brand.

All of the text that is used has to be in the font, 'Charlemagne Std Bold' and the smallest font size an text can be is 18pt. Text should not touch anything else on the page, like the edges of the page or pictures, this make everything look more ordered and more professional. When it comes to typography the font, 'Charlemagne Std' only includes a Bold typeface and should be used for titles and subtitles only. The font has to be serif because this is part of branding.

When it comes to our image guidelines at least some part of the monster must be used in all types of  our advertising. The colours palette for the monster include, 'C17 M100 Y98 K8, R190 G24 B24' for the head of the monster, 'C93 M75 Y1 K0, R42 G74 B154' for the tentacles, 'C0 M0 Y0 K0, R255 G255 B255' for the torso and eyes, 'C82 M67 Y67 K89, R12 G18 B12' for the eye brows and stripes on the tail. If the torso is being used in an image the head has to be used because people could get confused with the torso being the head of the monster.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, your branding guidelines are very detailed and really outline how people would use the brand of your film. I'm a bit confused on whether this image is of your final poster or if the zoomed in version is what we should go-by.
