Thursday 4 February 2016

Research for music indent

When it comes to my project I have to either record my own or find a musical indent. This indent has to relate to the topic that I will be talking about in my news story. 

I have had a looked at some radio indents from other companies like 'NBC' and 'BBC World' when it come to the NBC indent it was very basic it featured a piano that held its notes while it slowly went up the keyboard. This gave off quite a calm and relaxed vibe and if it was the indent they would play to start off their show in the morning like the video suggests they are definitely welcoming their audience in the right way. The BBC world used chimes that were probably from the Big Ben due to BBC meaning British Broadcast Corporation, I think that this was a very nice touch and definitely give the audience an indication that it is a British based company. This indent sounded like it was serious and that what you were going to hear after was very important and high status.

After looking at both of these indents I have gained an idea on what sort of indent I want to find for my project, I will try and go for a indent that is quite calm but does not sound too relaxing. My topic is based on the recent incident with a Viola Beach, and my of radio station is based around music. So I will have to make sure my indent fits nicely with both of these factors. The audio on this site has the potential to be the music used for my indent because my radio is focused on people who like music and the audio that is available is something that has quite a lot of soul packed into it.

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