Wednesday 10 February 2016

Product Homepage

When it came to taking photo's of my product I decided to take a variety of photos some that showed the product with its light on and other with the light off. I also took photos of the product from many different angles, I did this because I was not sure on how I was doing to theme my website. I only ended up using 4 of the images I took because I didn't want to cluster my homepage with lots of images of the same product and I thought that with the way I set it out on my wireframe it worked quite effectively.
When it came to my navigation I chose a simple design where I would have list of places that the user could go to. My phone navigation however is very different, I decided to incorporate a hamburger menu, so that it would be easier for the phone user to navigate around the site with a few simple presses instead of having to zoom into the webpage and clicking tiny text. As you can see from the images below I managed to make a very nice imagining of when the hamburger menu would actually look like if it was made into an actual webpage. 

My CTA can be seen on all the images here, I decided to place it on top of my products main image, I did this because it makes it very easy to find and looks very professional. It also made the image seem a little more busy, because without this CTA on top of the image it would have looked very boring and uninteresting.

My footer was very simplistic and was probably the most none detailed section of my webpage. It simply included a list of places that the user could go to just like my header (navigation). However I also included a copyright sentence at the bottom right of my webpage.

1 comment:

  1. Your website looks great Zach! It looks very professional and fits with the brand of the pen. Your opening image and phrase pulls people in and the additional images of the pen below it do well at showing off the product. You might want to shrink the bag icon a little on desktop. Your mobile design is a nice adjustment of the desktop version, although the type may still be a bit too small. The menu looks really good, the shadow is a nice addition and the sections are a good size for mobile. Well done, this is a great portfolio piece.
