Friday 12 February 2016

Microphones I used in my project

RodeVideoMicWhen it came to shooting my piece, I already had my mind set on using a, 'Rode Microphone' I chose this because I only needed the characters voice and some mild background noise in my piece and this mic was great for the job. I say that because it ended up picking up a lot more background noise at times that I would have liked. A foley mic was not needed in my piece because there were no monologue or voice over need, also if I was to use it in my piece it would probably pick up every single type of noise being made outside and that would probably end up ruin the piece.

As I mentioned in my 'SWOT' tourist of other people in general could have effected what was picked up. However when we actually shot there was barely any people out in the park so it ended up working quite well and the audio was not ruined.  

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