Friday 12 May 2017

Lecturer discussion

Today I talked to my lecturer about my idea and about my plans for this project. 

I discussed the research that I have done so far for my idea and what I am going to do with the research that I have carried through. They seemed confident with my idea, but they told me that I should really do a bit more research into why I am doing the website and why it will be useful. I totally agree with this, this something that I touched on a little with my questionnaire but I see that I need to show more reasons why people will find this useful.

I was also told that I should do a lot more research into what I am going to include on the site, right now I only have a basic idea of a site that shows people how to build furniture with an animation to the side. When it comes to my research this time around I will have a look at at all of the different types of pages that work on other similar sites that I can use for my site. If I want my site to be like an actual site I will have to include a lot of smaller pages as well that help people with understanding the site. 

I was also told to have a good think about the sorts of software that I was going to use to make the site. I really don't want to leave this to the last minute and not prepare myself for the software. If I don't prepare myself I might see myself running behind deadlines and constantly trying to catch up. The more I prepare myself the less stress I will have and I think this is very important when doing a project like this.

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