Wednesday 10 May 2017

Questionnaire results and what I am doing with them!


So, I decided to conduct my own questionnaire, now that my website is finished. I really wanted to find out peoples' overall opinion on the site and what they genuinely thought of it. I really wanted some feedback on things that I could improve as everything is not perfect and I believe that there is still some room for improvement on my site. If there is anything that the majority of people say on my questionnaire then I will be sure to add / amend the problems/issues.

So, I made the questionnaire and managed to get a total of 59 responses which I am very happy with.  This is quite a lot of responses and which means that I can see some of the concerns that people have with my site. Like I said before, I don't want to change something just for one person because it might be a problem to them but not to the majority and if I change the one thing for one person then people may not like the site as much. 

The results

So, at the beginning of the project, I said that I would be aiming to focus my site towards men and women, age 20-40.   After some research, I found out that women struggle more with building furniture so I wanted to focus on that gender a bit more. The results from the questionnaire turned out great! I got a wide range of responses and most of the responses were from people aged 31-40, I also got a good response from age 19-24 and 25-30. 

On my questionnaire I managed to get 42 responses from women and 17 from men. This is great because women are who I was appealing to the most and so finding out their responses will be very beneficial. I also got a great range of men, therefore I can see if they like the site too.

I decided to ask again, whether people generally struggle with building furniture. The response that I got last time was not the best and I thought that I would find that more people actually do struggle, however that wasn't the case. In this questionnaire, I was very surprised by the response. I got a very balanced result with 29 people saying that they do struggle with building furniture and 30 people saying that they don't. This makes me feel a whole lot more confident about my idea as it shows that there is a need for this site and that it is quite common that people run into problems when making their own furniture.

So, I decided to ask if people found my site easy to navigate around as this was one of the things that I wanted to nail on the head when making my site from the beginning. Out of 59 responses 57 people said that they did find it easy to navigate around - this is great and I am very proud of this result. I also decided to ask the people who chose 'no' to this question why and for this result I got 4 responses. I am happy that I got some feed back from the people who answered no, just so I could find out little problems that might be negatively impacting their experience. 

All of the responses that I got from the question said that the website was not configured for phones. I think this is something that I will change due to it being quite a major part of the site that I did not touch on. I did say in the beginning that people would use this site on both desktop and on their phones and if the phone version dose not work then they might just not use the website at all, meaning that I potentially lose users. 

I really wanted to find out what people thought of the look of the site because it is something that everyone sees on their first visit. I believe that if everything looks a bit odd and weird, they may decide to just go to another site. The response that I got from this question was 49 people saying that they do like the site and 10 people saying that they didn't. Even though this is a great outcome, I really wanted to see what the 10 people, who didn't like the site, had to say.  A few people talked about it not being 'phone friendly' while other people said that they did not like the 'art' (I guess this is referring to my logo). Some people said that it didn't really fit with the theme of the site while others said that it looked hastily put together. I think I might edit my logo a little, just to make it look a bit more professional.  It doesn't really cut away from the experience of the site but it is something that people will think of when they think of the site 'ScrewGuider' - I really want to make sure that they don't have a negative thought when thinking about the logo and the site because this is not good for the overall success of it.

One of my last questions was simply: 'Would you use this website in the future?' Judging by the fact that peoples' responses to the earlier question of  'whether they had struggled with furniture in the past' were balanced (50% struggled, 50% didn't), I believe that getting 49 out of 59 people saying that they would use the site in the future is great. It means that some people have seen what the site has to offer and even though they have not struggled with building furniture, they will go to the site to give them the extra hand.

My last question was 'Anything I could improve on with the site?'. I mostly got 'no' for this question, however I got a few little bits of advice from people. One that I saw right away was the use of other fonts, they really wanted to see other fonts used for headers. I totally agree with this but I am not sure whether I am going to be able to put this into my site due to some fonts not functioning with the web as a whole. I will have a look to see if I can incorporate any new fonts to the site but I am very doubtful of this. Other people also said that they really wanted to see more product pages and this is great as it means that people want to see other products and believe that the site will get better from this.

What I am going to do with the results

Overall, I am very proud of my results. I got some great feedback that I can use to change my website to make it even better and found out that there is a real want and use for my site. I will definitely change my site to be phone friendly and I will have a good look into getting new fonts.  This is something that if done right, shouldn't affect those peoples' opinions who already like it but will change others who may not have liked it before. This questionnaire was so useful and I am now so glad that I conducted it, to really find out what people thought.  

My changes to ScrewGuider

When I changed my website so that it would be mobile friendly, I used a site called 'Creative Muse' to create my hamburger menu. I really had no idea how to make a hamburger menu, however this website that I used, made it very simple and easy for me to understand. I followed the guide step by step and added my own features to the menu. I am very happy with how it turned out - it works well and is easy to use and I also like the whole look of the header now as it looks very clean. 

Unfortunately, the mobile phone version did not work, when I tired to re arrange everything to fit for phones, something would go wrong. If I would move one thing it would alter another. I could not resize things, this would change the size of the image for example for every alteration of the site and I did not want this. The font also included a lot of spacing to fit well on the desktop version, however this resulted in there being massive gaps in between text on the phone version. There was no way I could change the spacing without completely messing up the desktop version. The hamburger menu works great though, if there is one thing that I am proud of for the phone version it is the menu. It fits well with the site and doesn't intrude with anything that it shouldn't.

I decided that I might as well make it so it works on tablets, this was more or less the same thing as making the phone version but luckily, this one actually worked well. It also looks great and I am very happy with how it turned out. Hopefully, if people were ever to visit the site again, they wouldn't run into the phone problems and would be more likely to look around and see everything that the site has to offer.


Creative Muse website (2016) How to Create an Accordion Menu
in Adobe Muse Available at: [Assessed: 1 May 2017]

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