Monday 14 December 2015

Why annotating our scripts and producing storyboards is beneficial

When it came to the pre-production of our film we had to do many things to make sure that we were prepared to actually make it. This included making a shot list, going on a Reece, writing our script + annotating it and producing a storyboard. Out of all of these annotating a script and producing a storyboard seemed to be the two that people didn't really think were important. Here are some of the benefits of them...

Script Annotation
When we had finally finished writing our scripts we were set the task to annotate them. This allowed us to look at our work and add in any stage directions, shots and character tone around the text. When directing our film we can look back to the annotated script to see what we had in mind for that part of the film. If someone else was to direct our film then they could also look back at this to see what we had in mind when writing the script. We also have a lot of room around the script to write about the things we want during production. Being about to write around the script allows us to reference to certain parts in the film and show the director what we want at that protocolar moment.

Storyboard Production
Producing our own storyboard allows us to show people what we think the shots should look like. Certain shots can be hard to describe to someone so by drawing them for the person, it allows them to have a clearer look at your idea. Actors may also be able to look at the storyboard to give them an idea on what they should be doing.  

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