Monday 7 December 2015


Title - Corruption

Log line - The protagonist is a scientist that has discovered sustainable cold fusion and his job is to convince his girlfriend that they should ‘do good’. The girlfriend is the antagonist and believes that they should abuse the power they now hold.

Synopsis - The mini film is set in the future, however technology has not gone far. A scientist called Jerry has created a sustainable cold fusion generator that will allow sustainable power forever. However, Jerry and his girlfriend Frankie cannot agree on what to do with the new discovery - one character wants to give it to the government and ‘do good’, while the other wants to give the information to a private investor so that they can gain a big profit. Nonetheless, by giving it to the private investor, this could mean that the private investor could take the money for himself or could use it against the government.

Target audience - young adults +


Jerry - He is a male that is aged around 25.  The person who finds the cure (very smart, lots of ideas). The scientist knows what he wants to do with the cure and wants to help the government by giving them his information.

Frankie - She is a female that is aged a bit younger than the scientist (22-24). She has a different opinion than the other person and believes that they hold a mighty power and should sell it for a massive profit.

Jerry - The private investor is a male that is aged 35. He is quite a shady person and may make the audience feel uneasy when he is in the scene. He will be covered up, meaning that the audience will only be able to see half of the Investor’s face. He knows about how much power he could have with the information so he is determined to get his hands on it.

3-act structure:

The first act consists of Jerry telling Frankie about his newest discovery and we find out that Frankie wants to use this information to get more money. Jerry starts arguing with Frankie about what they should do with the new power source, however Frankie decides not to listen and calls her brother (Private Investigator) to find a client who wants the information. The two characters get to develop their personalities in this act.

The second act consists of Frankie giving Rick the information about the new power source. When Rick is about to leave the house, Jerry is not happy with what Frankie has done and starts arguing with Rick. Rick manages to leave the house.

Lastly, the final act is set just after the last act. It is set outside the house and we see Rick get into his car. Jerry is shouting after Rick telling him he has some misinformation. Rick does not listen and proceeds to drive off while Jerry heads to the mail box to deliver the letter he was writing in the last act. Jerry then admits to Frankie that it was all a test and that he is leaving her because of it.

Audio - what sound recording could you create to help define the world in which the film is set?

The sound of rain would represent the film quite nicely due to the mini film being very dim and dense due to all of the bad things that happen in the film.

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