Tuesday 8 December 2015

Evian Roller Babies Advert

My chosen advert is the, 'Evian Roller Babies Advert' this advert was made in 2009 and was made to promote 'Evian' water. Before this advert was released Evian did not have a lot of other advertisements to promote their product and with other water bottle bottle companies starting to promote their product Evian had to make their own to try and compete with the other companies. This advert could appear on TV, or on 'YouTube' or 'Vimeo' or it could be shown in Cinemas.

The adverts tone is quite comedic, it uses normal baby heads and places them on CGI baby bodies. Allowing them to create the illusion that the babies are actually rollerskating. This is used to show a point, at the start of the advert it says, "Let's observe the effect of Evian on your body" using the rollerskating babies it is showing the audience that if you drink the water you will fill more young and energetic. I think this is a very creative way of getting a point across to the audience because it has never been done before and it is something that the audience will never forget. This also fits well with their slogan, 'Live Young'.

I think the target audience for this advert is the young adult to adult sort of age. I think this because when you get older you tend to feel more tired and things that you wouldn't feel tired at, at a young age. This is exactly what this advert tells us it can resolve. Also it wouldn't make a lot of sense if it was targeted towards young children because they are at that stage in there life were they have the energy to do almost anything.

The colour used in the advert are quite nice on the eyes. When it is displaying text the colour around the text is a light baby pink colour. You can see the relation to the babies and the colour of the logo. This colour is a 'cool' colour and these tend to make the person looking at the colour feel peaceful and happy. The advert setting is outside where it is bright and sunny again this can make the audience feel relaxed and happy when watching the advert.

In the whole of the advert there is little text shown. The first being; "Let's observe the effect of Evian on your body", "Naturally pure an mineral-balanced water supports you body's youth" and finally the slogan at the end, "Live Young". All of text in the advert has something to do with the theme of the advert and does not look out of place. First of all it tells about the effects of the product, then it states why it what it does for your body is a good thing and then it tells us the slogan showing us why they showed and told the audience all of these things.

If i could change anything about this advert I would add a clip of a baby drinking the water, showing that he is using the product. I would also include the product more so that people who are watching this advert for the first time have a clear understanding of what the advertisement is trying to advertise. 

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