Thursday 1 December 2016

Target audience and accessibility

Due to my piece being interactive and having to use a device like a iPhone, tablet and Android phone I think I will have to focus on the age range that knows how this technology works and can use the full experience that I will give to them when making the interactive piece of media. I think the age range from 20-30 is a good age range I will have to make sure that it is suited to them. 

I might want to try and appeal to the 50s age range as well so that people who use to live in the 60s could experience the interactive piece and enjoy it, they will probably get some help from the younger people in there family and friend groups. Including things like little music buttons that the user can click is a great way to make the user feel way more involved in the book. Some people who might be slightly older might not know how these things work but if used with a younger person in the family they can discover the full potential of the book together. I think when it comes to the interactive part I do not want to make it too complicated so that people that are older don't find it too overwhelming to operate. My main focus is going to be the 20-30 age range so the book will be tweaked around them as a priority.

There are not going to be many people aged 50+ checking the amazon book catalog or iBooks store so when it comes to how I would advertise the interactive book I would have to try and make it look appeal to the younger age range so that I can get their attention. I might have to alter a few things in the book but I will try and keep the 60s look that I am trying to get across. This should not be hard to achieve I will just have to be careful on how I present my book before people actually download it.

For people who are a bit younger, 20-30 having the book be interactive will be a massive benefit to them, this is because it allows them to learn a bit more about music magazines back then through the use of hyperlinks, buttons and videos.

Back in the 60s the 'Rave' magazine was meant to appeal to the younger adult to older adult age range so there really shouldn't be anything child related in the book because it would be unnecessary and pointless to include, that is if I am trying to stick with how it was done back then.  

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