Thursday 13 October 2016

Poster and type

With all of the types that I tried out for my poster I thought that the one in the bottom right worked best with the whole 60s theme we were given. It gives of the same mood an other poster would due to its easy to read but wavy look to it. Due to it having to be hand draw you cannot see of my finished poster what the text would look like but it would say on it, 'Beatles'. 

I chose the multi colours because I thought that it once again fit very nicely with the theme and the other poster I looked at in the last blog also used this same colour effect. Having different colours pulsate around each of the characters silhouettes makes it seem like each of the character are pulsating like the are alive and happy! The border around the text is a bright yellow colour, I did this so it wouldn't clash with the colours behind it as much as it would if it were a pinky / red colour!

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