Thursday 13 October 2016

Charcoal Drawings

Today we were given charcoal and were told to draw a self portrait and a drawing of someone else in the class. 

This was the first time I had used charcoal to drawing in a number of years so I was quite rusty, this was also one of the first times I had tried to draw a face in a long time. You can see looking at my drawings that the proportion was all wrong and the size of the mouth, nose ect were wrong. Steve did show us how to get our proportions correct by drawing examples on the board, I found these very useful. 

The smudging that you can do with the charcoal I found very interesting, you can see looking at one of the pages that I experimented with this a number of times. I found this to be a very key part of charcoal drawing and I did use it when drawing the goatee. I also managed to smudge my drawings by accident quite a lot and that is something that annoyed me during the lesson. 

I like the way the charcoal looks on paper and the many ways you can alter it but I found the features to be very to use myself. I think if I had the choice I would stick with a pencil. Even though I did not enjoy using charcoal I did find todays lesson very  interesting and it was a great experience.

Poster and type

With all of the types that I tried out for my poster I thought that the one in the bottom right worked best with the whole 60s theme we were given. It gives of the same mood an other poster would due to its easy to read but wavy look to it. Due to it having to be hand draw you cannot see of my finished poster what the text would look like but it would say on it, 'Beatles'. 

I chose the multi colours because I thought that it once again fit very nicely with the theme and the other poster I looked at in the last blog also used this same colour effect. Having different colours pulsate around each of the characters silhouettes makes it seem like each of the character are pulsating like the are alive and happy! The border around the text is a bright yellow colour, I did this so it wouldn't clash with the colours behind it as much as it would if it were a pinky / red colour!

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Museum Trip Drawing

Last Thursday we went on a trip to the museum to draw. We were allowed to draw whatever we wanted in the museum, this lesson was to just get us into the feel of drawing due to it being a very key part or the course. I found it very fun to be able to have the chance to draw quite detailed things because it is something that I have never really done before. I also use to draw very basic drawings and then stopped long ago. The drawing that you can see above took me quite a long time to draw but I was really proud with the end result!

Paying attention to detail was something Steve pushed forward throughout the session. This is because when drawing for a client it is very important to make sure that ever tiny bit of detail is included in your drawing, so that they can see what you are trying to portray fully!  

Monday 10 October 2016


At the start of the lesson we were introduced to our task, where we were shown various logos and there effectiveness and how the are memorable. We had to create our own logo for a Folklore Museum and make a logo around the theme of that. 

For some of my logos I expanded from existing ones and for others I just came up with the design myself. I think my favourite logos have to be the one in the centre that includes a tree and the blow horn one on the left. I believe that the middle one fits in with the theme of the museum because it's mean to be an old withered tree and some old stories refer back to woods. For my other logo I tried to include an old item that was used in the past to once again refer back to old stories. I think the way the text is shown in those two logos are probably the easiest to understand and read out of all of them and still allows the logos to be memorable.

Self Portrait

Friday 7 October 2016

Reminder Card

I have decided to keep my card very basic to get the point across to a lot of people. The only colours I have featured in the card are ones for the Bath College logo and the lanyard colour so that colourblind people can relate these two items together. For people who do not speak english very well I have included a series of images that clearly show what the card is trying to get across to the audience. Using the thumb up and thumb down is a universal way of saying I agree I disagree/ yes or not so I used it here. The text has been spaces out so that it is easier for people with dyslexia to read I also left the background white and the font black so that people who use colour to read text so easily use their chosen colour to read this card.

To test to see if this would work I could put these cards all around college and conduct my own survey/ or have a website on the back of the card, so that I could find out whether or not the person using the card understood the message and whether or not they got it straight away or if they really hard to think hard to decipher the message.   

Accessibility throughout the media

When it comes to creating media it is very important to make sure you are aware that not everyone may be able to access it due to a disability they may have. So trying and make it accessible to as many different people as possible is always a good way to go around things. This can include people with Dyslexia, Colour Blindness and  people with no understanding of the language used. If you are creating something that is important and is audience facing the singling out any of these can be a breach to the, “Disability Law UK’ ‘Equality Act 2010’ this can have serious consequences. 

Making media that does not appeal to people with colour blindness this means that those people will find it incredibly hard to read or see what you have created. 

Dyslexia is also a disability that you have to be aware of when creating certain types of media. Type is something that can increase the difficulty of reading by a large amount for a Dyslexic person if the wrong type or format is used.

When it comes to a language barrier, you may find it very hard to produce something that the person can understand because you have to do a bit more than the others. Pictures help very much for these types of people, also symbols can be used if the person knows how to read them. When creating some type of media you may have to make something completely new based solely on someone with a language barrier.

Thursday 6 October 2016


OTHERtone - Kid Cudi

In this Podcast they talk about a range of different topics, some being ones that relate to the the artist others being things that the audience members might want to know the answer too. In the preview below however only a part of the Podcast is shown. The Podcast is meant to be quite laid back, and is a place where people can talk about what is on their mind. 

From time to time the presenters and the guest may have a small debate between each other so you not only find out about how the guest feels but also get to know what is on the presenters mind too. Having more than two people on the Podcast allows there to be a wider range of questions asked that might not have been asked if there were only two people.

They also let the guest talk and do not interrupt them so that they don't feel rushed.