Wednesday 2 March 2016

Production Evaluation

What have I improved on?

Before I set out to do this project I set myself some targets that I wanted to achieve at the end of the project. One of them was to have a better understanding of the use of the equipment we have at college. Even though I did not use the better equipment in my final product when I was looking for a good piece of equipment I did and I did find out a lot of factors for each microphone and when they would be useful and when they wouldn't be as useful. 

Distance from a microphone is something that I have got better with over the time of this project and I know that it is better to check first before recording that the distance you are away from the mic is the best for picking up audio. Premiere Pro is something that I have used quite a lot and now feel like I can use it quite effectively and produce high standard work. 

My Final Product

When it came to recording my audio I used my phone. I used this because I decided that I wanted to interview one of my friends on their opinion on the recent events with Viola Beach. I think using the phone mic instead of a one of the microphones like the from college gave it more of an interview feel and added to the radio effect. The audio actually came out very good and everyone sounded clear. I did use what I had learnt from my audio research where as I did a few tests before we recorded our final piece to check that the audio was being picked up fine and that no wind / echo could effect the quality of the audio.7 

When it came to the indent I used quite a instrumental heavy type of audio, I thought that it fit well with what we were both talking about and didn't overpower us at anytime. I had to turn down the volume on the back track at times as you can see above (FXs) because there were parts of the song that had a bit too much base. I thought that the indent sounded very good and made my whole piece sound like the other radio shows I looked at when I was looking for inspiration. It was a good indent that introduced the sensitive topic accordingly.

When I recorded the audio with my friend I did not record a segment of me, saying bye and ending this was deliberate because I wanted to make it sound like it was just a snippet from a longer interview, so I added a outro to my piece to make the audience want to here more.

One thing I would do is, if I were to do this again I maybe make it a bit longer and add a small section at the start were I could say something like, "Yesterday we talked to one of Viola Beaches biggest fans about the tragic event this is what he had to say" I feel like this would have made it more clear about what I was trying to do in my piece.

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