Tuesday 1 March 2016

My Drink Driving Advert

This is my print advert, like all of the adverts that I looked at I have decided to incorporate something from both topics. My advert is very simplistic because I didn't want to confuse my audience. I think that this advert could go onto billboards because it isn't something that the audience has to look at for a long period of time before they get the message, also if audience members were to go to a party just before and saw this advert it could change there mind about drink driving. That's the main reason why this advert was made so that's why I designed it the way I did.

I put the collision of the two cars behind the glass because I tried to make it seem like everything would be fine until you decide to drink. I also blurred out everything covered by the glass just to add more impact. In the center of the glass I put, 'Don't drink and drive' I decided to do this instead of a play on words because I just wanted to get the point across and I thought that the picture of the two car crashing would already leave a big enough impact on the audience.

Car Crashing Photo

Pint Photo

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