Monday 23 November 2015

Character Profiles

Jerry (Scientist)

Jerry is a very smart and cunning person, he tries to use his knowledge for good. He puts others before himself because he feels like he has to give something back to the world. Jerry takes things very seriously and is very sensible when it comes to making decisions. Even though Jerry is the one who brings in the most money to the house hold and is currently paying off his and Frankie's university fees, money doesn't really seem to be a big deal to him and he feels like they are doing quite well for themselves. Jerry has been in education most of his life, he left University at age 21 with the right grades become a scientist. He has always wanted to be scientist and has always wanted to create something that everyone could use and enjoy. 

Frankie (Jerry's Girlfriend)

Frankie is the sort of person that puts herself before others, because that was what her parents taught her at a young age. Frankie and Jerry's relationship up to the point in the film has been very confusing. They have had their fair share of problems however Frankie is the one who starts most of the conflict. Frankie depends on Jerry a lot more than he does to her. This is because Jerry is usually the one who makes the most sensible decisions. Frankie is quite greedy, she tends to keep things that she owns to herself and doesn't like to share things with other people. Frankie was a very spoilt child, if she wanted it most of the time she could have it, even though here family were always struggling for money. Frankie decided to go to University at age 18, she didn't spend much time studying and mostly went to university for the social aspect. Frankie and Jerry met each other at a party when they were 20, Frankie liked Jerry because he was a nice person that had potential. Jerry like Frankie because she was an outgoing person with a big personality.

Rick (Frankie's Brother)

Rick is a very mysterious character, he likes to keep things to himself and gets the job done. Rick always puts his clients first and keeps everything about them very confidential. Rick is very sly, if he sees money in something, he will usually take it for himself and keep the profit. It isn't said in the film but there are a few clues that lead to this happening in the film. Rick has never really been close with his sister due to him always doing things for his work. Jerry and Rick do not like each other and this is because Jerry feels like Rick should spend more time with his sister and Rick feels like Jerry isn't the one for Frankie. Rick is the oldest out of the three because of his history with taking item and taking them as his own, Rick is wanted for his offences. However no one knows that he is the culprit not even his family. Jerry has always suspected Rick of doing these things but has never found any evidence to prove that it is him.  

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