Friday 9 June 2017

My Final Show

 So I have finished my final show and I have got to say that I am very proud of it. All of the content that I had on show looked great and they all clearly showed the skills that I had learned this year.

The one thing that let me down however was the whole design of the board, the way everything is laid out is how I imaged it but compared to my other piers boards I believe that it did not look as good. A lot of my piers boards had their own design that fit along side one of there projects while mine does not really show a particular theme and follow one project. I think if I ever was to create my own board to display something ever again I would have to make it clear what I am showing to people so that people clearly understand straight away what i am trying to get people to look at the most.

This did not stop people from coming over and looking at my board. I had quite a lot of people read some of the things on the board and ask me a few questions about how I made something, why I chose to do certain things. A lot of people also came up and navigated my site. I got some feedback from some people telling me what they liked and things that didn't work so well. My shadow book was also picked up by some people and they tried it out for themselves.

I think that next time I would invite more employers to the event, many of the people that I invited either were busy or just did not show up. This made me quite sad that I could not show them what potential I have and talk to them in detail about the many things I have done. Even if I got one of two employers to show up I think that it would have made my experience at the show ten time better.

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