Thursday 22 September 2016

Type and Layout

Marshall McLuhan was a professor, philosopher, and public intellectual. However he was mostly known for how he influenced media through all of his studies. One of McLuhan's most famous quotes was, 'The medium is the message' this basically meant that McLuhan should not just look at the media but look at how it changes the life around you. McLuhan influence media with the, 'Media Theory'. He created many books that all use different types and layouts that fit with the overall theme of the book. 

West Side Story is a very popular for being the most acclaimed musicals of all time. On top of the musical cam a very memorable poster that became very well known. The poster features a range of colours that all fit together very nicely the white on top of the red allows the white to stand out more and catch the audiences eye first. The type also includes itself with the image where it stacks on top of each word to make it seem as if it were the building. Some of the letters in the title also have also been stretched to once again involve itself with the image. I think that this is a very smart way of including type in the poster, it not only tells the audience what film the poster is based on but allows the poster to in a way become the logo and the most memorable feature of the Musical. 

Another poster, this time it is about, 'The Good The Bad and The Ugly'. In this poster the type used isn't the typical western font they have decided to add their own twist on the typical font. I think this a very cool way of doing things because it makes the text their and it is a bit more fresh. The layout is quite peculiar, including a panorama type image in the very centre of the poster with three full body shots overlapping and cover up the rest of the page. Clint Eastwood is a very iconic character that can usually be identified by the clothes he wears so having his basically centre with a full body shot makes it very easy for the audience to understand what kind of western film this is.

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