Tuesday 17 May 2016

Reflective Blog

Desktop Creation

Over the past week I have been creating my own brand for my website. You can see what I have been doing for that hereI also started working on the look and content that would go onto my site, for the first few days I had my mind set on making a website using 'WordPress' however after looking at their many templates, I quickly decided to make my own website using Photoshop and Invision. This allowed me to be more creative and have almost no limitations when it came to the actual look of the site. 

I have not taken my photos yet for my site but I have plans to shoot them as soon as possible. I think that the colour scheme for the site works well and all of the colours are not too overpowering over the other. The site works well and the content for each section of the site is very short but descriptive just like I wanted to achieve when I was doing my research. I am still adding more pages to the site and should hopefully be done with the desktop version in the next few days. I looked into the website diabetes.org.uk to see if I could redirect people to that sight when the click on the 'Donate' button, however when looking at the sites term and conditions I found out that they would prefer if you did not link to their donate system. This means that I will have to find an alternate way for people to send money to diabetes research. 

Phone Creation

This week I have been creating the phone version of my website, this has proved to be quite a challenge, due to it being very hard to find the correct leading and tracking so that it is clear to read for people using a phone. This is very important and I spent quite a while on perfecting this. If your phone version of your site does not work well or is hard to use then people tend to more else where. With more people using there phones more than ever, the phone version of my site needs to have the same if not more attention the desktop version did. 

I am still adding bits and pieces to my desktop and phone versions and have created a well working hamburger menu. This should allow people to go to whatever part of the website they like with a few simple touches. I am still yet to take the photos for my website, however working on both of the versions has given me a good idea on how I want my pictures to look and fit with the site. I will be taking these photos in the next day or two. I have also come to the decision that I will be defiantly using Invision it is a platform that I know how to use effectively and quickly, in case I have to make any sudden changes a few days before the deadline. The only problem with using the site is that it is missing a few things that are very vital to my site, one of the being that I cannot integrate my own video on 'How to use a insulin pump' that I will be shooting tomorrow on the site and I cannot send people to other websites by them clicking on my 'Donate' button for example. I phone version is still not completely finish due to it being a very hard process, I might have to move some things about to make it more user friendly. 

Finishing Touches

I am now at the time where I am adding the finishing touches to my website, I have decided to put it on Invision to see how everything works are operates. 

Everything seems to be working fine, it flows very well and everything looks in order. Now I have to make sure that it all makes sense and that there are not spelling errors on the pages. I am very proud of how it looks and hopefully I will be done with the making of the site in the next day or two. I have added the photos and have shot the video I have to say I am pretty proud of them as well, my photography skills haven't always been the best but here on the site I feel like I have shown how much I have improved.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you done all this work (and I've seen it!) But there's no link to the actual website!!!
